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4. Notifying the retailer of a change in payment status. Payment Callback

When the user has made a payment, the Processing Service sends a request in the following format to the store's API url, which was specified at the time of creating the payment:

"description":"Order #208843-42-23-863",

Fields description

idstringyespayment identifier
shop_order_idstringyesshop order id
statusstringyespayment status.
Value options:
"pending"- pending payment;
"awaiting_payment_confirmation" - the transaction was found in the mempool, its confirmation in the blockchain network is pending;
"paid" - payment made;
"cancelled" - the payment is cancelled by the seller;
"expired" - payment time has expired;
client_amountstringyestotal amount of received cryptocurrency
client_cryptocurrencystringyesreceived cryptocurrency
client_amount_of_shippingstringyesamount of shipping
currencystringyespayed cryptocurrency
amountstringyesamount of payed cryptocurrency
descriptionstringyespayment description, maximum 128 characters
created_atstringyespayment creation date, RFC3339 format
expiresstringyesdate when payment expires, RFC3339 format
testbooleanyesflag for test order for API debugging