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2. Redirect to payment page.

A link like this can be used to redirect to an individual page:

Variant of the static widget page

Template for generating the URL of a static widget page in PHP:

// $widget_url = '';
$widget_url = ''; // a variant of the static widget page, in this example "testing"
$confirmation_token = $payment['confirmation_token'];
$payment_page_url = $widget_url . '/#/?' . http_build_query(array(
'action' => 'select',
'token' => $confirmation_token, // substitute the time token received when creating the payment
'success' => $success_url, // setting the address of the page to which the widget will redirect when the payment is successful
'cancel' => $cancel_url, // setting the address of the page to which the widget will be redirected when it closes without paying

Other ways of displaying the payment widget on the page

The first way.

To initialize the widget, insert the following code into the body of the html page:

(function(d, t) {
var n = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0], s = d.createElement(t);
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.charset = 'utf-8';
s.async = true;
// s.src = '' + 1 * new Date(); // testing server
s.src = '' + 1 * new Date(); // production server
s.onload = function() {
const removeWidget = window.Lunu.API.openWidget({
Token that must be received from the Processing Service before making a payment
Required parameter
confirmation_token: '8cae7ede-944c-49b8-8a55-2a1116f70631',

callbacks: {
payment_paid() {
// Handling a successful payment event
payment_cancel() {
// Handling a payment cancellation event
payment_close() {
// Handling the event of closing the widget window

// Cancel the opening of the widget or remove the widget if it is already open.
// removeWidget();
n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n);
})(document, 'script');

The second way.

Use NPM package in your front-end application.

const {
} = require('lunu-payment');

const removeWidget = openPaymentWidgetInCurrentWindow({
confirmation_token: '8cae7ede-944c-49b8-8a55-2a1116f70631',

callbacks: {
payment_paid: (paymentInfo) => {
// Handling a successful payment event
payment_cancel: () => {
// Handling a payment cancellation event
payment_close: () => {
// Handling the event of closing the widget window

// Cancel the opening of the widget or remove the widget if it is already open.
// removeWidget();

More about this method here.