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Quick Start

Integration modes

The Lunu widget can be integrated in multiple ways based on the UI/UX needs of your app. Each integration mode is accompanied by a quick guide to help you get started as quickly as possible.

Lunu offers flexible integration options to ensure a seamless and customized payment experience for your app's users. Whether you prefer a simple, Hosted mode or a iFrame based payment flow, we have the tools and resources to help you achieve your desired integration.

Our quick guide will provide step-by-step instructions to help you integrate the Lunu widget in the most efficient and effective way possible. We are also available to answer any questions or provide additional support as needed to ensure a successful integration.

Hosted mode

If you just want to add a link to Lunu that opens in a separate tab, this is the option for you! It's the easiest way to integrate Lunu, and you won't need an SDK to do it.

See Hosted Mode for more details.

Overlay mode (iFrame)

Integrate Lunu's payment technology into your app with ease using our SDK. Choose this integration mode to display Lunu as an overlay on your web app or iFrame view, and trigger the display of Onramp as needed with basic configuration. Maintain the look and feel of your brand with high levels of customization and control. Provide your users with a seamless and intuitive payment experience that is fully integrated into your app by choosing this integration mode.

See Overlay mode for more details.

Considerations for Widget Workflow during Integration

  1. After onboarding you receive <access_token> from Lunu.
  2. You get user ID <customer_external_id> from your database.
  3. At the start of widget initialization you send POST request to address https://<api hostname>/f2c/v1/customer/init. For this request you:
    1. Set Authorization: Bearer <access_token> in request header.
    2. Set { "customer_external_id": <customer_external_id> } in request body.
  4. Lunu save this user in database, give them a <customer_id> and return it in response body (if user already created request will return existing <customer_id>);
  5. Your recieve body with <customer_id> and initalize widget by the way in example "A way to display a widget in an Iframe on the current page";
  6. Customer makes payment in widget;
  7. After user finishes the payment Lunu should send request to your database with information about transaction to your crypto wallet. In request body you will find the information about transfer and <customer_external_id> from which you will understand which specific customer made the transaction.