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Webhook updates


During onboarding merchants can give webhook (callback) endpoint to get updates of user transactions. This is sample webhook response sent to the endpoint.

Note: To use your API key and secret, The merchant or parner has to be onboarded to Lunu.

We send webhooks/callbacks only for transaction events in our system. If the webhook URL is not set before the transaction is completed, the webhook will not be sent. Please note that if the payment site is not publicly available for internet requests, then the HTTP notifications about fund transfers from our processing service will not be able to reach your application.

When a user makes a payment, the Processing Service notifies your application of the fund transfer by making an HTTP request to your application's URL in the following format:

Kindly ensure that you use an HTTPS endpoint with a valid SSL certificate that is trusted by your browser. Otherwise, this can result in missing webhook updates at times.

Example URL

Request callback for the transaction updates

POST <your app URL> X-LUNU-SIGNATURE: d10dba39264529811fd31193d23103b06f9e.../

The processing service sends an HTTP request to your application's URL to notify about the funds transfer when a user completes a payment.

"id": "922a2f06-6bec-4eee-a55c-76d549f46262",
"state": "Completed",
"payment_method": "bancontact",
"account_id": "23d93cac-000f-5000-8000-126628f15141",
"customer_external_id": "8ce43c7a-2143-467c-b8b5-fa748c598ddd",
"merchant_trx_id": "8ce43c7a-2143-467c-b8b5-fa748c598ddd",
"cc_code": "ETH",
"crypto_amount": "1.23938",
"fiat_code": "EUR",
"fiat_amount": "2000.00",
"wallet_address": "0xab0f34d6c159f9c4f82f4d4cd8b49cff89dfcec8",
"expiry_at": "2022-09-23T14:30:45-03:00",
"created_at": "2022-09-22T14:30:45-03:00",
"timestamp": "2022-09-22T14:30:45-03:00"
idstringyespayment ID
statestringyesPayment status
Final status
Completed, Cancelled, and Refunded
Other definitions
Created - Transaction session initiated.
Confirmed - The Quote confirmed for the payment initiation.
Pending and In progress - waiting for the payment.
Blocked - Transaction is blocked due to risk.
payment_methodstringyespayment method (bancontact, creditCard, iDeal, sofort etc)
account_idstringyesF2C account ID
customer_external_idstringyesInternal user/account/wallet ID in your system
cc_codestringyespayment cryptocurrency
crypto_amountstringyespayment amount in cryptocurrency
fiat_codestringyespayment fiat
fiat_amountstringyespayment amount in fiat
merchant_trx_idstringyesInternal transaction ID in your system
transaction_idstringnotransaction hash from 3rd party service
transaction_explorerstringnotransaction explorer link
wallet_addressstringnodestination address
expiry_atstringnodate when payment expires, RFC3339 format
created_atstringyespayment creation date, RFC3339 format
timestampstringyesnotification timestamp

Authentication of Notification

To ensure the authenticity of a notification, you can authenticate it by verifying the signature of the notification.

The notification signature can be found in the HTTP header "X-LUNU-SIGNATURE".

To authenticate the signature, concatenate the auth token with the request body, and generate the sha256 hash.

Sample PHP authentication

(Simple copy / paste and chaging parms form your system is enough)

$auth_token = 'l.QtEo8ahkNFX4RTpbqp0u4z4GDZq27HzUp6AotJASBx7_DVqmqZMHfM2Cy7JmUjS80boI9eVg';
$request_body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$signature = hash('sha256', $auth_token . $request_body);
$signatureOfRequest = $headers['x-lunu-signature'];
if ($signature === $signatureOfRequest) {
// Notification genuine
} else {
// Notification not genuine